Modtech Products

Portable BDA Systems
SIPS-BDA is a fully portable BDA or tactical BDA system. It is a self-powered standalone system that deploys in minutes and provides wireless coverage enhancement that solves SMR public safety radio or cellular dead zones in buildings, tunnels, and aboard ships. Invented and manufactured in the U.S.A., SIPS-BDA is patented, simple, affordable, and it works.

Portable DAS Accessories
SIPS-FAK (Flexible Antenna Kit) adds portable, quick-setup antennas and transport medium to the portable DAS. Providing additional cabling and antennas to be used in conjunction with the SIPS-BDA tactical BDA / DAS system, the coverage enhancement zone is easily expanded.

Temporary Occupancy Solution
Modtech has quickly solved the ERCES-occupancy problem for many customers. Using its SIPS-BDA (Bi-Directional Amplifier) technology, Modtech deploys a Temporary Emergency Responder Communications Enhancement System (T-ERCES). Modtech will perform a comprehensive signal strength survey proving that the T-ERCES yields the required radio coverage. Based on test results, the fire marshal can issue a Temporary Occupancy Certificate (TOC / TCO) and building operations can commence.

SIPS-CPSK Battery Power Supply for In-Building communications
SIPS-CPSK (Cordless Power Supply Kit) combines the modules needed for a rechargeable, portable power supply system including batteries, battery charger, and DC-AC power inverter. The lightweight, 6.5 lbs. kit, housed in a watertight briefcase, is ready to power a wide variety of electronic and illumination gear. Each of two (2) EM-100 lithium-ion battery packs, the same packs used in the SIPS-BDA, provides enough energy to power a WiFi hotspot router for 10 or more hours.

Watchman® SF6 AutoFill
The Watchman® SF6 AutoFill continuously monitors SF6 gas density. Unlike any other device in the world, the AutoFill model combines patented technology and engineering expertise to safely and effectively replace SF6 gas while the breaker is energized. The Watchman® SF6 AutoFill extends the life of leaking assets by ensuring no outages due to loss of dielectric insulation.